Concerning applying these ideas for the purpose of securing a
religious exemption to vaccinations In the U.S. laws vary from state to state.
New York vaccination law allows that it "shall not apply to children whose parent,
parents, or guardian hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to the
practices herein required, and no certificate shall be required as a prerequisite to such
children being admitted or received into school or attending school."
(Read the law in its entirety at
It would seem that the operative phrase here is "sincere religious beliefs."
In other words, you do not have to belong to a particular religion which forbids such
procedures. It has been suggested however, that parents electing to submit their child to
certain vaccinations (eg: tetanus), but not others, jeopardize their right to claim the
religious exemption. I have attempted to challenge this idea in "The Body of
God" (see Concept section) and maintain that for the government to claim that one's religious beliefs must
reject all or no vaccinations is an attempt by government to establish its own religious
concepts. Clearly, this is forbidden by the first amendment to the Constitution.
In a number of states the vaccination law requires that to obtain a religious exemption
the citizen must be a member of a bona fide religion that forbids the procedures. It is my
belief that these laws should be challenged. However, that being said, it must be born in
mind that at this point in our history huge forces are arrayed on behalf of
"universal immunization" policies, and support for dissenters is hard to find in our communities, courts and legislatures.
One must proceed cautiously and deliberately in determining when and where to take a stand if the ultimate goal is not to win battles, but to protect one's child.
Being well versed in all available positions regarding the risks or benefits of various
vaccinations is the responsibility of the parent. Most (if not all) of the state health
regulations require that your doctor make you aware of the risks, but it is unreasonable
to think that doctors and public health departments are going to provide you with anything
resembling a comprehensive analysis of the vaccines in question. Ask your doctor for a
copy of the drug company's package insert. Reading this material may be a bit more
informative, but you will have to do more. The Internet is one
source of additional information, some of which is admittedly inflammatory and
irresponsible. I will leave it to you to decide whether I refer here to the writings of
anti-vaccination "Luddites" or the medical/pharmaceutical/governmental complex.
Study your state law carefully. You can find some information about your state's laws
Network with "alternative health" groups and activists to get a sense of
how the law is being applied in your area. Visit a large city in your state. Many provide
free "counter culture" or health oriented newspapers and magazines that list
organizations and health practitioners who might offer guidance or referrals. Visit health
food stores and organic food co-ops to check out their bulletin boards and talk to their
staff -- again, looking for support and information.
It may seem like you are the only one in your social set that is troubled by a current
vaccination policy which forces children to be presented for injection (something, for
some odd reason, required of no legislator or government official), but you are not alone.
There are many of us who believe that freedom of vaccination choice is
the only sensible and just policy, and that reestablishment of such a policy might do much
to restore credibility to a medical establishment seen by many as arrogant, remote and
disinterested in individual patients.
Lastly, when you have found a suitable way to navigate the vaccination rapids for your
child -- don't fade away. Join with others to find ways to affect public health policy and
offer support to those who might believe that they are alone in this struggle.
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