Warr Wi Bishy
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![]() Text in right column of poster: 4 B.clok MoBS Nuz Hiy Tem: Fa Minch galactic security cit di Warr Wi Bishy esyb todayz attack package thunyb bwsut weaponi masss destructi yrbni inspectyon r resygn? Inspectyon n-yetts, resygn n-yetts, tyrantsi offer Geowg Bishy leavei Emiricanca wi daughters t exile n nice palacii? N-yetts! So Minch wan no boom up White Homi, ony bring Demcrici to Emericancan pipple n wan no warr aganst pipple. Emporer Bishy hav mottu time t cooperati wi inspectu - but Nooooo, hym wan do stall-stall, forc Minch d Bbboom! Some earthen neva lern. Te bad. Fegtig Be: Hiy, reprt hav Bishy team hewh din bunkers deep unda wi Chenihaliburt unda table y ur unda bed. S tru? Hiy Tem: Heh heh, ya di won ton fe find w him pistolas deep, deep, deep t bunka dwna - da Chenihaliburt, da Asscrafti, da Rumpsfaci, und mini adas. Heh heh, well now "awe" we camera ge looki at tape se "extractment" ov Chenihaliburt fram unda bed. Fegtig Be: Amazing! Hiy Tem: Yi. Shocked and Awed Pijamas! Heh heh heh. |