I studied VAERS hepatitis B vaccine data obtained
by the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) under the Freedom of Information Act.
The data has some flaws (incomplete fields, some multiple reports) but any
qualified, impartial quantitative analyst or statistician not affiliated with Merck,
Smithkline, the CDC, the FDA or the AAP who examines these reports will find a clear and
undeniable pattern of central nervous system (CNS) and liver disease striking thousands of
people within 0-4 days after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccineany
qualified, impadial quantitative analyst or statistician not affiliated with Merck,
Smithkline, the CDC, the FDA or the AAP who examines these reports will find a clear and
undeniable pattern of central nervous system (CNS) and liver disease striking thousands of
people within 0-4 days after vaccination with hepatitis B vaccine. These
reports have been ignored, explained away, or considered "acceptable" by the
FDA, CDC and drug companies. This Committee should launch an investigation of the VAERS
hepatitis B data by a team of independent scientists not beholden to vaccine manufacturers
or the FDA/CDC bureaucracy. The following is intended to be a starting point for such an
investigation. This does not profess to be a complete, exhaustive analysis -- simply an
overview, highlighting aspects of the data that may not previously have been brought to
your attention.
The total 24,775 VAERS hepatitis B reports from July 1990 to October
31, 1998 show 439 deaths and 9673 serious reactions involving emergency room visits,
hospitalization, disablement or death. Therefore, more than one third of total reports
were serious events. 17,497 of those total reports were for hepatitis B vaccine only, the
remainder were vaccine cocktails where hepatitis B was administered along with DPT, HIB,
IPV, OPV, etc.
The hepatitis-B-vaccine-only reports show a shocking cluster of
reactions in females starting in their teenage years (the male/female reporting ratio is
balanced before age 16). For ages 16-55, 77% of VAERS reports are women -- more
than three times as many women as men are reporting adverse reactions to hepatitis B
vaccine. The median onset of adverse event after vaccination is one day, 70%
of reactions happen within four days of vaccination. independent scientists should
investigate why females are more disposed to have adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine
and/or report them to VAERS. One possible explanation is that nurses have to take this
vaccine for their jobs and are thus more exposed than most adults to hepatitis B vaccine
adverse reactions. Rather than dismiss that factor as an "over-reporting bias"
as Dr. Chen of the CDC did at the February ACIP meeting, perhaps investigators might
consider that nurses are alert health care workers and ought to be listened to with regard
to the dangers of adverse events with any vaccine (rather than ignored). Personal case
studies reported to the author have showed many teenage girls getting severe, debilitating
adverse reactions to hepatitis B vaccine, having nothing to do with nursing. Do women have
a greater vulnerability to auto-immune reactions to hepatitis B vaccine? Is the
government discriminating against women by administering this vaccine without regard for
genetic risk of CNS and liver disease? Those are questions that independent
scientists should investigate.