One excellent starting point is ANATOMY OF A HEIST: The Capturing of Pacifica
The Theory of Listener-Sponsored Radio, by Lew Hill, the founder the Pacifica Foundation.
A chronology of some of the allegedly illegal Pacifica Board actions of the slightly distant recent past (not updated in a while) is
at There is a lot to read here, but it helps if you want to understand the whole fetid mess the hijackers have gotten the listener/contributors into.
Major Lawsuits
A good summary description of the three current major lawsuits is
at To get caught up, read these May 2001 and
late July 2001 updates.
Documents from the Listener Lawsuit are eventually posted and eventually linked
at .
The Sale of The Licenses
The Palmer email -
?Dissenting? Pacifica National Board member Pete Bramsonšs statement
Ex-Board Chair David Acosta
David Acosta was the Chair of the Pacifica Foundation Board of Directors (anointed by MF berry, who is allegedly to still be doing damage from behind the scenes). To assess Mr.
Acosta's level of competence, capacity for trustworthiness, truthfulness and veracity, and suitability for his ?title?, please read the
Deposition of David Acosta at, given under oath, in the Local Advisory Board (LAB) lawsuit (DAVID ADELSON, ET AL).
The Foundation's derives any legal power it has from the State, through its
Articles Of Incorporation. These Articles govern the By-Laws.
The By-Laws: The hijackers are trying to further consolidate power, and further disenfranchise the listener/contributors. They are also attempting to expressly allow for self-dealing and profit for themselves. The
Comparative Index of Pacifica Foundation By-Laws: Proposed, Current and Past
at provides an easy way to see this for oneself. Note that for all of the changes made and attempted to be made, there just did not seem to be room for the couple of sentences needed to expressly prohibit the sale of any frequency, despite repeated requests for such a provision.
The Foundation is incorporated in California, and so is subject to the
California Corporations Code Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporations.