A response from a moderator
Tue Sep 9 23:11:52 2003

The fastest and most effective means to complaint about posts on this board is to email the moderators. This has been repeated over and over again. Please don't expend needless bandwidth complaining about posts on the board. Either rebut, discuss or ignore offensive posts. There are only two of us on the moderation team and we can't monitor this board 24/7 though we come tolerably close.

The Goodlights boards were established to foster free and robust debate on issues pertinent to the station. As moderators we've tried to establish a minimum framework of rules necessary to avoid needless turmoil and unproductive discourse. Our efforts to more rigorously moderate this board in the past has been opposed with complaints of unnecessary censorship and abuse of privilege.

With regard to the "Whigger's" post we have not been persuaded that the term is a stealth standin for another more odious with which it rhymes. The word may be provocative, perhaps even gratuitously so. Neverthelesss, if we're to begin censoring on the basis of rhyming propinquity where does it end.

As has been said before, the way to rebut bad speech is by "good" speech.

Again, we count on the community to alert us as to all instances of potential abuse on this board. We try to be responsive and welcome all constructive input regarding the moderation of these boards.
