Body of God

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  Religious Issues



The Body of God
Spirit, Mind, Free Will, Law and the Physical Body

by Frank Fitzgerald

Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's


From God comes the Spirit, the Mind, and all things material and immaterial. From men (the created) come narrow, limited interpretations of these things, some of which they codify into laws and regulations to which they attempt to force obedience.

The governments of humankind sometimes act foolishly and/or immorally. Even when well-intentioned, their objectives on behalf of the "majority population" can be misguided and contravene the teachings of the Spirit. In all too many instances, lower motivations enter into their (political/legal) decisions.

Though legislators may appear learned or wise, the laws they create or support are not always just (eg: slavery in the U.S.). Citizen’s rights are suspended out of prejudice and irrational fear (eg: the internment of Japanese Americans during WWII; the Holocaust perpetrated by the Nazis). Individuals have suffered imprisonment and death because they could not afford adequate representation in criminal proceedings.

Governments declare war. Many wars are waged for less than noble reasons (the native populations of this country, and many others, have been decimated by wars waged against them that, by any standard, were simply excuses to steal their land).

The law fashioned by humans has clearly been flawed and it's "science" has not always been pure. Scientists and their respected institutions (even those of "higher learning") have, on many occasions, been pressed into service to rationalize inhumanity (the machine gun being invented to end war; neutron bombs designed to kill people while protecting property; racial theories taught to quantify "levels" of humanity; doctors participating in executions, etc.).

God has bestowed upon each of us a human body, referred to in scripture as "the temple of the living God." The body is the vehicle for us to experience this dimension, or world. The third dimension, with its manifold stars, planets, atoms, microbes, plants and people, is but one plane of existence. There are others which we but dimly perceive –– and can not measure. The vast majority of humankind believe in God and Spirit.  Most seek no validation from science or political leaders on this fundamental issue, yet by this belief they chart their lives and seek to guide and protect their children.

The body, given to us at birth, is like a block of stone which must be worked by a sculptor –– to draw forth a vehicle which might uniquely express the beauty and wholeness of Spirit and compliment the Soul in its mission to unite with God and serve Divine Will. You are the sculptor. You, and you alone, will discover how to shape this body/vehicle that it might radiate God's goodness and light and fulfill your mission. To this end, God has bestowed upon all souls the gift of free will, a mystery discussed throughout the ages, the essence of which is that we have the ability and requirement to make decisions affecting our relationship with our Creator. The mind and brain are given to guide the body in accomplishing this mission on earth and their use must be unfettered by ignorance, prejudice or  government regulation.

Any attempt by any earthly authority to deny you dominion over your own body is in error. No earthly law, no matter how lofty its language, can contravene the supremacy and intimacy of God's law.


The sacred relationship between you and your Creator, manifesting materially in this world in your body, and the indissoluble law of intimacy and power this establishes, extends by Divine Law and natural law to the children born of your body. That is, until children reach adulthood the parents have the ultimate responsibility regarding decisions in matters of their health. It is unquestionably obvious that parents are meant by Spirit to be the ultimate nuturers and protectors of children and only in the most dire and extreme of circumstances should this role be interferred with. 

After prayerful consideration of the relevant options, it is for the parents alone to decide what may do their children harm and how best to protect them, all the more so in areas of such uncertainty as possible short-term or long-term damage from government mandated one-solution-for-all tests, treatments, drugs, medications or vaccinations.  

The sacred contract between you and the All Loving and Giving Power we call God requires that you will nurture this temple and shape it, making it a thing of worthiness and beauty –– your own temple, uniquely yours –– uniquely you, in order to bear witness to Truth.  It is required of the parent that like care be taken of the child's body that this opportunity might be safeguarded on their behalf while they are the most vulnerable.

You are required to use the Divine Gift –– your mind –– freely in the shaping of the temple. It is required of you, as you enter adulthood, to seek responsible guidance, to study, think, and apply what is learned, and then decide how to nourish, care for, and strengthen the body. Seeking the counsel of others (whether accredited "experts," learned elders or creative young) is wise, but to defer decisions to "those in authority" or to attempt to absolve yourself of responsibility in this process is a denial of the sacred nature of your existence and of your personal relationship to God.

You alone are responsible for what you take into your body and mind and for what purpose they are to be used –– whether to bear witness to Truth and Life, or error and fear.  The way may not always be clear, but you have the God-given tools to make correct decisions and no earthly power has the right to interfere.


Note: That the Catholic Church may have a position similar to the above is evidenced in a 2005 letter from Rome written by Mons. Ignacio Barreiro. Concerning Catholic schools in the U.S. which had been refusing to grant religious exemptions, he wrote (emphasis added):

This is a violation of the Catholic Church’s centuries-old teaching on the supremacy of the Moral Conscience and the right of parents to preside over the total wellbeing of their children."

The full text of the Monsignor's letter can be read at 

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