Links American Academy of Pediatrics
(AAP) Policy Statements
Religious Objections to Medical Care (RE9707)
Informed Consent, Parental Permission, and Assent in Pediatric Practice (RE9510)
The National Vaccine Information Center site lists exemptions each state
allows. The
Medical Library on the Internet has many useful links including Free MEDLINE Search.
Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights -
"Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance." Surveys numerous religions and addresses controversial religious issues Official home page of the Church of Christ, Scientist
Theological Opposition to Inoculation, Vaccination, and the Use of Anæsthetics
Article which cites early religious opposition to "inoculation" as thwarting God's punishment of sinners The National
Vaccine Information Center is a very comprehensive parent activist site. Provides
assistance to parents whose children have suffered vaccine reactions. New Yorkers for Vaccination Information and Choice (NYVIC) is a group which supports a family's right to freedom of
choice regarding vaccination. Check out the site's Law section and Links pages. The Hepatitis B section presents doctors and other experts who are speaking out against this very controversial vaccine.
Background Concept
Law God or men?
Teachings on Health Religious
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