Fitzgerald Passive Solar Home
to be built in a northern US latitude [Maine, Wisconsin, Minnesota...]
Preferred area: Belfast, ME - Latitude: 44.43N, Longitude: 69.01W

Natural Home Photos construction and finished home in Colorado
Fitzgerald Floor Plan based on Natural Home concepts
The sustainable design key for this passive solar, high thermal mass (HTM) home is construction of floors and walls with high thermal mass materials - concrete slab and dry stack concrete block walls (no mortar) with surface bonding cement.

James Kachadorian's Passive Solar House - a few illustrations from his book
James Kachadorian's solar retrofit of a conventional house

We are open to other ideas and all feedback is appreciated. If you have any, please email me.

Related Information

SunMar composting "waterless" toilet 
Skaneateles Lake Watershed Composting Toilet Project  A 2004 juried article published in "National Small Flows Quarterly" on the implementation and results of a City of Syracuse 69 cottage/composting toilet project.

Gravel-less Drywell Kits [numerous shown installed for one house]  
for disposing of storm water roof runoff, gutter, driveway, sidewalk & yard water